Vinegar Allergy

Food allergy is an immune system reaction that occurs after eating a certain food. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it affects 4 to 6 percent of children and 4 percent of adults. While it is common among babies and children, it can appear at any age and some may outgrow their food allergy as they grow older.

Symptoms of food allergy range from mild to severe and sometimes may be mistaken as food intolerance. Food intolerance is a less serious condition while a life threating condition triggered by food allergy is known as anaphylaxis.

Food allergy symptoms usually develop minutes to hours after ingestion of the offending food but some may have delayed reaction to this especially children and people who rarely experience allergies.

A not so common allergy to food is Vinegar Allergy. The mechanism and signs of allergy to vinegar is similar to all other allergic reactions. Vinegar can be made from anything that is possible to ferment. Example of its different types are: apple cider, balsamic, beer, cane, coconut, date, East Asian black, fruit, honey, Job’s tears, kiwifruit, kombucha, malt, palm, raisin, rice, and wine.

Symptoms of Vinegar Allergy

  • Local symptoms – itching, tingling, redness of the skin. They are presented upon contact with vinegar.
  • Systemic symptoms – swelling of the mouth, around the eyes, tongue, and larynx (angioedema). Angioedema is dangerous because it can close the airways.

Systemic reactions are severe and occurs when vinegar is ingested, but in some very sensitive individuals, even after the contact. Anaphylactic shock on the other hand, results with severe allergy and can be fatal. Immediate medical attention is needed for this reaction.

How to Diagnose Vinegar Allergy

Patients usually recognize the cause of allergy given the symptoms but some may realize it sooner since it is an unrecognizable additive to food and drinks. Examples of these that contain high levels of vinegar are soy sauce, tomato paste, beer, wine, fruit, and bread.

Skin Prick Test is done by the doctor to measure the response to the allergen by the size of skin swelling in the place of injection in the skin.

Blood tests are performed to determine the Immunoglobulin E antibodies in the blood.

How to Treat Vinegar Allergy

Treatment to allergic attack is by use of antihistamine drugs and corticosteroids. They block further development of allergic reaction caused by the vinegar. In severe cases of angioedema, swelling, and difficulty breathing, adrenaline shots may be given by the doctor.

Avoiding foods and drinks that contain vinegar is the best prevention to vinegar alllergy. It’s important to remember that home remedies are not guaranteed to work and may not be safe for everyone. Always talk to your doctor before beginning any type of treatment to avoid more allergic reaction and serious complications.


This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and should not be relied as  medical advice. Always consult your doctor before taking any medication or supplements.